Friday, April 12, 2013

Glass and Jamestown

Follow these directions:

1. Do a SEE-THINK-WONDER with this image. Come back AFTER your see-think-wonder is complete to follow the rest of the directions.

2. On an iPad, record on audioboo your "I think _______ because ______." statement. I will upload them to this blog to share your response with the class.

3. Use the text on this website (click here) to answer the following questions:

a. What was "one of the Jamestown colonists’ first attempts at industrialization and manufacturing in America"?
b. Based on our study of Jamestown so far, why do you believe that the "attempts were not successful" to bring in glass blowers?
c. How do we know today that there were glasshouses in Jamestown?
d. Think back to our DIG article about the discovery of Jamestown fort... What job/occupation did the people who found the glasshouses have?
e. Read about the image here. Write your "From my reading I now know that _____________." statement.

I think statements from classmates:

Monday, April 8, 2013


How will I meet this expectation?
How have I met this expectation?
Integrate technology into your blog posts
  • add relevant photos, video, links, and text.

  • photo into class post
Blog use in your classroom
  • share posts, have students interact with content through instructional tasks and commenting through edmodo
  • see-think-wonder post for students

Sunday, April 7, 2013


What do you see/observe? 

What do you think it's purpose is? 

What does it make you wonder?